Dental Services

Payment & Dental Benefits

At Harewood Dental we can offer direct billing for most insurance plans, at your request.

The fees charged for services rendered to those who are insured are the usual and customary fees charged to all our patients for similar services. Your policy may base its allowances on a fixed fee schedule, which may or may not coincide with our usual fees. You should be aware that different insurance companies vary greatly in the types of coverage available. Also, some companies take care of claims promptly while others delay payment for several months.

Your dental insurance is a contract between you, your employer, and the insurance company, to assist you in the cost of dental treatment. It has been designed by your employer and is not based on your individual dental needs. Unfortunately, this means that there may be significant differences between what your insurance provides coverage for, and the treatment your dentist recommends for your greatest dental health. The necessary treatment may not be covered by and/or exceed your plan benefits.  Our dentists will provide you treatment options to best address your dental care needs, regardless of what your dental plan covers.

Our administrative team can assist you in understanding your insurance plan better and, if requested, can send estimates to your insurance company prior to starting any major treatments. However, due to privacy regulations and limitations, it is the patients’ responsibility to provide our office with up-to-date insurance coverage breakdowns.

Payment is expected at the time services are performed. Insurance co-payments and deductibles are also due at the time of your appointment. As a service to our patients, we will bill insurance companies for services and allow them 45 days to render payment. However, if your insurance is negligent in paying the account after 60 days, we will send you a statement for the outstanding amount.

For your convenience, we accept cash, Interac, Visa and Mastercard. If you have any questions regarding payment, please talk to the reception staff prior to booking an appointment.

Scheduling & Cancelling Appointments

When you schedule an appointment with our reception team, you’ll receive text or email reminders at intervals of one week, two business days, and finally just a few hours before your appointment. We ask our patients to reply to the first reminder to confirm their appointment. If by the second reminder you have not confirmed, we’ll call you to ensure you are still able to attend. We strive to have all of our appointments confirmed the day prior to your visit.

If you need to make any changes to your appointment we require a minimum of 24 hours notice. We also understand that life happens and always try to be fair and reasonable. If changes are made with less than 24 hours notice, a nominal $50 missed appointment fee is applied.

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We are here for all of your Dentistry needs!