General Tooth Extractions at Harewood Dental

At times, the pathway to enhanced oral health necessitates the removal of a tooth. Be it due to severe decay, infection, or overcrowding, our adept practitioners at Harewood Dental conduct precise extraction procedures with a gentle touch. Our aim is to alleviate discomfort, prevent further complications, and create a conducive environment for restorative solutions or natural teeth alignment.

Identifying the Need for Extraction

The necessity for a tooth extraction arises from various circumstances. Severe decay that extends to the tooth’s pulp, infections that have encompassed a large portion of the tooth or surrounding bone, and overcrowding where there is not enough room for all the teeth in the mouth are common scenarios. Additionally, wisdom teeth often require extraction due to impaction, misalignment, or potential future complications. These third molars frequently cause issues as they attempt to emerge in an already crowded mouth, leading to pain, infection, or damage to adjacent teeth. A thorough examination at Harewood Dental will ascertain the need for an extraction, including wisdom teeth removal, and the most suitable approach to take.

The Extraction Procedure

Our dedicated team endeavors to ensure your comfort throughout the extraction procedure. Once the area is numbed with a local anesthetic, the tooth is carefully loosened and extracted with precision. We employ advanced techniques to ensure the procedure is as swift and painless as possible.

Post-Extraction Care

Post-extraction care is crucial for a smooth healing process. We provide comprehensive instructions to manage discomfort, prevent infection, and promote healing. It’s vital to follow these guidelines to ensure optimal recovery and pave the way for subsequent restorative treatments, if necessary.

Restorative Options Post Extraction

Following the healing period, there are various restorative options to consider. Dental implants, bridges, or partial dentures can fill the gap left by the extracted tooth, restoring functionality and aesthetics to your smile. Our team at Harewood Dental is here to guide you through the restorative options and help you regain a healthy, complete smile.

Book Your Consultation Today
If you suspect you may require a tooth extraction, contact Harewood Dental to schedule a consultation. Our compassionate and skilled team is here to provide meticulous care, ensuring your comfort and satisfaction throughout the process.

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